2 jobs at CareTech

CareTech is a national provider dedicated to creating innovative, personalised solutions for those with complex needs. With 130+ locations, they offer tailored support and care, empowering individuals to live independently. They partner with local authorities and healthcare providers to ensure integrated care. Commitment to highest quality of care and support for their customers.

About CareTech

CareTech is a national provider of care and support services dedicated to creating and delivering innovative and personalised solutions for people with complex needs. With a wide range of services and solutions, CareTech provides a unique approach to care for people with learning disabilities, mental health needs, and those with physical disabilities or who are on the autistic spectrum. With a network of over 130 residential and community-based locations, CareTech offers a tailored approach to providing support and care for individuals, empowering them to live their lives as independently as possible. They also partner with local authorities, healthcare providers and other organisations to ensure a comprehensive and integrated approach to care. CareTech is committed to delivering the highest quality of care and support for its customers.

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