Liverpool City Council jobs

Liverpool City Council provides services to citizens and works to tackle poverty, create a fairer city with vibrant culture, leisure and sport, and invest in infrastructure, jobs and skills.

About Liverpool City Council

Liverpool City Council is a local government authority based in Liverpool, UK. It provides a wide range of services to the city including education, housing, transport, environmental health, planning and more. The council is responsible for the wellbeing of its citizens and is committed to tackling poverty and social inequality. It works with local communities, businesses and partners to create a fairer, healthier and safer city. Liverpool City Council also works hard to ensure the city remains an attractive place to live and work, with vibrant culture, leisure and sporting activities. It invests in infrastructure, jobs and skills to ensure the city thrives now and in the future.

Interested in working with Liverpool City Council for apprenticeship training? Click here to find out more

Benefits & Perks

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