2 jobs at Regent Group UK

Established in 2008, the Regent Group UK works to create vibrant and sustainable communities. They provide housing support, employment advice, business development and financial advice, as well as host events and workshops to bring people together. Their mission: helping people create a better future for themselves and their communities.

About Regent Group UK

The Regent Group UK is a charitable organisation that works to build vibrant and sustainable communities across the UK. Established in 2008, the Regent Group works with local authorities, businesses and communities to develop projects that will benefit the lives of people in their neighbourhoods. Through their innovative programmes, they strive to create strong, resilient and sustainable communities. They provide a range of services such as housing support, employment advice, business development and financial advice. They also host a variety of events and workshops to bring people together and provide them with the resources and knowledge they need to succeed. The Regent Group UK is dedicated to helping people create a better future for themselves and the communities they live in.

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