The Donkey Sanctuary jobs

The Donkey Sanctuary is a global animal welfare charity protecting donkeys and mules worldwide. Since 1969, they've grown to over 1000 staff, providing sanctuary for 5,000, supporting 11,000 in the UK, and delivering projects in 30+ countries. They offer therapy to those with special needs and need your support to ensure donkeys and mules are respected.

About The Donkey Sanctuary

The Donkey Sanctuary is a global animal welfare charity with a vision of a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering. Established in 1969, the sanctuary has grown from one man's passion for donkeys to a global organization with over 1000 staff members across the world. They provide sanctuary to over 5,000 donkeys and mules, support over 11,000 working equines in the UK and deliver projects in over 30 countries. Their mission is to protect donkeys and mules and promote their welfare worldwide. They are committed to helping the most vulnerable donkeys and mules and offer education and advice to donkey owners and professionals. They also provide a donkey-assisted therapy program to help people with special needs, particularly children. By supporting The Donkey Sanctuary, you can help to ensure that donkeys and mules receive the care and respect they deserve.

Interested in working with The Donkey Sanctuary for apprenticeship training? Click here to find out more

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