Total People jobs

Total People is an award-winning training org. in the North West, offering courses & qualifications to help reach goals. For over 20 years they have helped individuals, employers & communities develop skills & gain qualifications. Their dedicated team are passionate about helping people achieve ambitions. Courses are tailored to meet customer needs & ensure best learning experience, plus online learning platforms & resources. Total People strive for a friendly & supportive learning environment.

About Total People

Total People is an award-winning training organisation based in the North West of England. They offer a wide range of courses and qualifications to help people reach their goals, from Apprenticeships to short courses. They have been helping individuals, employers and communities to develop skills and gain qualifications for over 20 years. Total People have a dedicated team of highly skilled and experienced staff who are passionate about helping people to achieve their ambitions. Their courses are tailored to meet the needs of their customers and ensure they receive the best possible learning experience. They also have a range of online learning platforms and resources for learners to access. Total People strive to offer a friendly and supportive learning environment to all of their customers.

Interested in working with Total People for apprenticeship training? Click here to find out more

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